Security, Technology, English
Quishing - Just Another Way For People To Click Your Link
You’ve read about phishing. You’ve heard about vishing. You’ve glanced over smishing. Now get ready to scan quishing.
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Winningtemp HTML Injection via User's Name
Winningtemp does not properly encode the user's first and last name, resulting in an HTML injection vulnerability that affects both the web interface and email notifications. Continue Reading →English, Security, Disclosure
Winningtemp HTML Injection via Kudos Comment
Winningtemp does not properly encode the content of praise messages, causing an HTML injection vulnerability that affects both the web interface and email notifications. Continue Reading →English, Security, Disclosure
Winningtemp Missing Function Access Control
The front-end for Winningtemp can be manipulated to reveal otherwise disabled features, and combined with missing function access control in the back-end, this allows adversaries to perform unauthorised actions. Continue Reading →Security, Technology, English
Digital Disaster Recovery, Becase One Day You Might Get Hit by a Bus
If we’ve learned anything since the beginning of 2020, it has to be that the future is uncertain. Despite going through a pandemic and a war in Europe, “most people” still won’t plan for the inevitable; death.
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