Installing Wc3 on a Mac isn't really a problem, even though other games by Blizzard tend to take some time. Diablo II requires special patches and later version conflics with OSX's graphic drivers.

After installing both Regin of Chaos and Frozen Throne, you might want to update. The NoCD-patch is a really good feature, huh? However, the latest versions got a few bugs. Today I experienced this error: (Sorry, image removed^^, lost in the great blog migration)

Somehow the game just wont open, telling you "Sorry, Warcraft III could not be opened". I have no solution to this, but some posters claim that you manually need to patch the game in order to get it working correctly. I can't be arsed to reinstall my game, I needed a quick fix. A way of making it work those few times I play games on my Mac. Fortunately, there is one!

First of all, navigate into apps/Warcraft III/Maps/, and open a map. Which one of them does not matter. If OSX askes you about whether or not to trust the software, press "Yes". this procedure will boot the game, automaticly loading the selected map. Here's the trick; exit from the map. Congratulations, you're now inside the game, at the start menu.

Please comment if you have a better solution. Cheers!